Straight to the Top - DPW Part 4

After the last email, Robenia either quit her job or went into the Witness Protection Program because I never did hear from her again. However, I am not only competitive but do not give up that easily. So I accepted the challenge and after a little research found the email of Rudolph Chow, the Director of the City of Baltimore Department of Public Works, at the time. He quietly resigned a few months ago after it was found that some high end condominium complex in Baltimore had not been billed for water in 10 years and owed the DPW millions of dollars. 

March 5th, 2018

Dear Mr. Rudolph Chow,
I have included, for your reading pleasure, a detailed account of my experience with your Department of Public of Works, as well as, email correspondence concerning continuous billing errors with my residential property located in Baltimore County. 

Although the email correspondence only accounts for the past two months, I have been attempting to have this corrected fully for two years. TWO YEARS, RUDY. When I first contacted your department, 730 days ago, I was bouncing my infant son on my knee... he is going to Preschool now, Rudy. 

Although I have now received proper credit to my account, my water consumption has once again mysteriously doubled. I attempted to contact the person who was able to offer assistance in January but it has been two weeks, and still nothing. This seems to be a common theme in your department, in addition to lack of follow through and accepting responsibility for your errors. I figured it was about time to cut out the middle man and head straight to the top of the chain of command. I attempted to copy Mayor Pugh for good measure, as I like to cover all my bases, but her email address isn’t quite as easy to obtain.

Upon browsing your website, I found these eloquent words under your contact information “DPW prides itself on providing quality services and strives to be responsive to your needs.” Lovely photo, by the way! It was a nice touch to be able to put a face to the name. I also would have included a photo with this email but unfortunately, Rudy, I haven't slept through the night in like 10 years and my nerves are shot from having to deal with your ever efficient department that I can’t hold the camera still enough to capture one. Maybe after all this is done. ðŸ¤žCircling back to those delightful words on your website. If I had to pick two words to describe your government monopoly, quality and responsive would absolutely be at the bottom of the list, along with efficient, accurate and expeditious.

In my experience, your billing is so completely arbitrary that I picture a giant Plinko wall in your office where you disperse Plinko chips with my address on them to see where they may fall and what I owe for each quarterly bill. I am going to pay this quarter’s bill, not because I want to, Rudy, but because I have made great strides in potty training the youngest and I need water to effectively continue that progress. Well that, and I am obviously stupid. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts concerning the customer water consumption and it’s appropriation.

It may behoove you, at this point, to scroll down and read all of the previous correspondence, to allow you a full understanding of the situation at hand.

I took the liberty of heading over to your employment opportunities tab to see if you were actively seeking someone who could answer the phone over there in under 20 minutes or respond to an email but it seems your present concern is to obtain more CDL drivers. You’re probably going to want to re-evaluate that, Rudy. I am not trying to tell you how to run your department but as a restaurant owner, if the food was coming out of the kitchen too slow, I am not going to start hiring more bartenders. Just some food for thought.

I would be happy to discuss this over lunch, at our restaurant, where you could enjoy a burger and I would then give you a bill for 4 steaks, just as a thank you for opening my eyes to your business model of charging customers for services not rendered and then of course, ignore you when you asked to be charged for what you actually ate.

In Gratitude,
Shannon Armenis

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